Fine Art Jewelry
Unexpected, One-Of-A-Kind Jewelry, Hand Crafted In New York City.
Luxurious, Soft & Sensuous
Hand-Woven gemstones & gold That Sparkle & Drape, Designed To Seduce The Wearer,
Moving With Her Body…

grounded in ancient beading techniques
Beth Farber hand weaves gemstone & gold beads into one-of-a-kind pieces whose fluidity suggests the presence of inner grace. Integrating classical gold work techniques into the woven beads, Beth has created wearable art that is simultaneously timeless & contemporary.

Beth Farber collar featured
in FOX TV’s Gotham.
Inspired by Antiquity
Tapestries Of Precious
metals & gemstones…
…Evocative Of
Exotic Lands.
Inspired by classical models from Egypt, Greece, and Rome, as well as folk art from around the globe, Beth Farber fabricates jewelry whose beauty expresses a refined aesthetic sensibility, gold, and gemstones expressing preciousness without ostentation.
Hand-Fused 22 Karat Gold
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